Afterwards, I wasn't feeling too hot (actually, very much hot. Like, not in the good way) so we went home, and in an effort to walk it off (in the blistering heat I wasn't used to) with Derek, who was being very, very patient with my drama-queen attitude, I began to feel nauseous and ended up throwing up my birthday Icee all over the sidewalk. (Which must've been super attractive.) In an attempt to walk home, I kept getting dizzy and had to lay down on the dirty concrete every few steps. A couple people driving by asked if I needed a cell phone/ambulance/help and we politely explained we lived close by and were alright. So they drove away saying "Wow that scared the [bleep] outta me. I thought she was dead!"
With Derek half carrying-half dragging me (with many breaks on the way), we finally made it home. Where I then slept for about four hours while Derek was stuck watching Friends reruns. But I felt much better after my extended-birthday nap, whoo.
Let's take a look back at all of my past birthday unpleasantries (and some humorous situations):
17th: I had the great idea of hanging out with a person from my past who made me buy him a burger, and proceeded to make me cry. Shame on me.
16th: Camp meeting, all day (and night). Ohh midsummer birthdays.
15th: Actually, quite alright. I do recall a butterfly attacking me. Got it all on my new camcorder.
14th: My last Maryland birthday. Had a garage sale to sell all the crap that accumulates when you stay in one place too long, which really upset me because I'm attached to material things (and may have a bit of a hoarding problem). The waiters sang to me at TGI Fridays for dinner as I was coloring on the kids menu. Ohh to be fourteen.

On a happier note, I still got my family birthday dinner this weekend, and will get a birthday-date dinner this week from a very, very patient boy who didn't run away as I puked on his shoes. He also got me birthday blingage. I win.
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